Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Proud parent feeling

This morning as I went to the garden to take a few pictures of my greenhouses for the previous entry...I couldn't stop taking pictures of my vegetables. And looking at those pictures I felt like I wanted to show the rest of the world what I was able to grow on my own. Almost like a parent getting his flip book out of his wallet to show his kids =) So enjoy the fruits of my labor!


  1. Your veggie garden had really done well. Perhaps you should make some copies of the photos to carry in your wallet to show your kids. Great photos.

  2. Thanks both =) and I have two pumpkings that will probably be perfect because of how they grew =)BUt they're still green at this point.

  3. Beautiful veggies, you're a better plant parent than I am. You could make Cinderella's coach out of that pumpkin.

  4. I could....but I don't have a wand lol
