Monday, August 9, 2010

If you find this blog....go there

Yeah I'm having a hard time keeping my blog up. But if you do happen uppon this page, just go check out my Youtube channel. I post videos every week about gardening, cooking and urban homesteading.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One minute bread!

Just a simple bread recipe, wich takes about a minute to make, 12 hours to rise. Only need 4 cups of flours, a tea spoon of yeast, a pinch of salt and 2 cups of water!!! Check my VIDEO of it if you're intrested ;)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sorry so long!!!

Well I guess it's obvious that I'm having a hard time keeping up with my blog ;) But I've just started posting pictures on my Flickr account and Of course I'm still posting videos on YouTube
And as you can see I've allready started experimenting with potatoes in seaweed, buckets, sown my root veggies and garlic........and so much more is still to come!!!! So everyone, I wish you a great 2010 harvest!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New series of sowing videos!

Now much happening in the written world. But I am still posting my 2010 garden vlogs on Youtube. And right now I'm uploading new videos on how to sow seeds. Celery, tomatoes, peppers, onions, asparagus and more to come! ;)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today was a good day to play hookie!

I took a mental health day from work today ;). And I just wasted my day..well not really, planted my new winter indoor garden sprouts, made bread, got local meat....a busy fun day. So yeah any of you in a planting spree!? I'm not really, not yet. But I wanted to give another try to growing cuccumbers indoors. Last Fall I had stoped because of a gnat infestation. Now they are all gone (by leting my plant's dirt dry up). So that was my day, if you want to see the video here it is ;)
So I hope you are all anxious for this gardening season!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Got my seeds today!!!!!

When I came home from work I got a note saying I had a package at the post office. My seeds had finally arrived!!! I filmed myself unpacking them ( It's the first time I order seeds (and so much!) Now I'll be ready to plant my tomatoes and peppers at the end of February!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sweet potatoes!!!

I wasn't gonna..but I did. I've placed a store bought sweet potato in some water to make it root and sprout. Now I still have at least 3 months before Spring is totally here, so I hope it will have enough time to sprout. I still have no idea where I will plant the sprouts...but I suppose I'll have time to dig a hole for it. Besides than....nothing much happening here. I am going to shovel snow in a little while because after a month there's been a snowfall! I'm still making videos of my plans for 2010 on Youtube. Mostly because I need to wait 'till the end of Februrary before planting anything. ;)

Here's the first few gardening vlog

Here's a video about reusing stuff when sowing your seeds

Me ordering my seeds....

My hand built solar lamp

and this one is about conservation of your vegetables

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New line of videos!

I'm just gonna post the links here....but I've decided to make a video log of my gardening year.
So from time to time I'll post a link. Here's the first two videos ;) Hope you like! and I'm still going to post here.....but videos are more fun since I got my new Flip HD =)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 resolutions

I just want to take a few minutes to wish you an awsome year 2010!
And maybe to encourage you all to add some green resolutions this year.
Here are a few of mine and of course if you have some more, please share!
First the 3 Rs, recycle, reuse and reduce! Second buy local as much as you can. This will of course take less energy to transport products and encourage you local economy. Because even if all the "major" countries are thinking of China to salvage their economies.....we all know the best way it to buy "home made" products. I know I will and even if I live in a "minor" province of Canada...this is very doable. One last resolution idea...plant something! ;)