Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beware of rocks!!!

I don't have a picture for this entry because by the time I was finished there wasn't enough light. Late this afternoon I dug up a trench at the end of my yard for future asparagus plants. It's approximately 2 feet wide and 16 long. Since the seedling need to grow for 2-3 years before you can want a place out of the way so they'll grow quietly.! The spot where I dug was, like I said at the end of my yard. When my parents used to grow vegetable they threw all the rocks they found there. So today when I jumped on my shovel it didn't even go in! And I had a really bad time taking all those big rocks out. So what I want to say is throw your rock away for real. Not in a place you don't use. Because one day you may want to use it and will be really frustrated at yourself....or maybe your kids will be in the future =)
Oh and we are having really weird pre-winter weather. Normally there's snow and cold. But so far no snow, beautiful over freezing weather and just awsome Fall!


  1. I would be so pleased to find rocks in my garden. We have no native rocks in South Texas. We have to buy rocks.

  2. I am always finding bits of broken china (as well as rocks) when I am digging in my garden.

  3. I completely understand having dug hundreds of rocks from my garden over the years. I made the same mistake your parents did too! I did have to haul them away to an old rock wall. Wish I had done that in the first place. I used to dread hearing and feeling the sounds of rocks when digging. Asparagus! Yum! Carol

  4. Too bad I can't sell my rocks...and I found some broken china...old army men..and even broken down cinder blocks.=S

  5. I bet that was a surprise!
    Somebody who comes and digs in our yard later will find a hoarde of broken glass up on the hill. :)

  6. It was but I've grown accustomed to the noise of metal against stone when I dig up my back yard ;)
